What is your maximum group size?

We believe in offering personalized care for every guest so they can have the space to immerse themselves fully in their process and have the support they need to do so. We also feel strongly that the community aspect is an important part of the healing, which we believe can get lost if there are too many people in a group. Therefore, we keep our groups rather intimate, and have a high healing team-to-guest ratio. For our Soltara location, our maximum capacity is 20 – 22 guests, and for that amount, we work with two Shipibo healers, 3 facilitators, an assistant facilitator, a Retreat Director, and a yoga teacher. During each ceremony, each guest receives their own personal healing icaro (healing song), tailored to their intention for healing, what the healers feel is needed, and their consultation with our healers beforehand.

Category: Reservations/Logistics