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Blagomira Kostova


blankBlagomira (Bonnie) Kostova is in love with life and the potential that lies within human nature. From an early age she is fascinated by the world of spirits and mystery and since has been exploring the ancient pagan rituals and traditions of her homeland Bulgaria, studying the medicinal properties of different herbs and plants of these lands.

She graduated in journalism and, following her innate curiosity, ventured into various professional endeavors until she experienced her first Ayahuasca ceremony 14 years ago. The meeting with the medicine is a profound revelation for her, which in an unexplainable way connected different dots of her personal inquiry of the self and the connection we have with Mother Nature. Lucky enough to have shared her first Ayahuasca experience with her brother, this allowed them both to embark on a journey of self discovery and healing, sitting in different medicine ceremonies around Europe meeting different indigenous lineage carriers and eventually organizing and facilitating medicine ceremonies in their homeland. Along the way she has apprenticed within the Red Road tradition, completing a 4-year cycle of Vision Quest and Sun Dance, receiving the honor to host the European Sun Dance on their land.

Blagomira is currently apprenticing within the Shipibo-Konibo tradition, recognizing it to be a beautiful example of how the Ayahuasca medicine can be put in service for healing in a sacred and healthy way.

Joining the Soltara family in the summer of 2022, she has been proud to witness the safe container Soltara has created for their guests, and the support Soltara offers to the Shipibo community, working with Maestros, who come from a long lineage of healers, and caring for them with respect and honor.

Blagomira is a breathwork practitioner, and within the past three years has been exploring mindfulness and meditation as yet another tool of navigating and reaching the highest potential each of us holds as an expression of the boundless human nature. Currently she is in a process of completing a self limiting beliefs practitioners training, bringing that knowledge in her work as a trauma informed plant medicine facilitator. Positive and open, Blagomira has a kind and loving personality, and has a genuine talent to hold a compassionate space for others, guiding them to their own personal truth and value. She believes that music is another form of healing and can often be seen playing her ukulele or learning and singing new songs with a big smile on her face.

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