Jude was born in Papua New Guinea and raised in Brisbane, Australia. As a painfully shy 16 year old, he attended a Catholic youth weekend and was forever altered by it. It was the first time he could recall feeling loved unconditionally; not by a particular person, but by the Universe at large. That set him on a life-long path, learning how to create and sustain environments that enable the most life affirming communion with the self and the wider world.
Along the way he befriended a guitar and started writing songs. Further down the road a didgeridoo and ukulele joined him in his travels. He worked in alternative education centres for traumatized youth. He lived for three years in one of Australia’s most remote aboriginal communities (Port Keats/ Wadeye), assisting in the culturally appropriate and meaningful education of the young indigenous men. He got a bachelor’s degree in Social Ecology, built a humming little nut business, selling freshly caramelized, salted macadamias, then – in August 2013 – he met Mamma Ayahuasca for the first time.
Over the course of seven years, Ayahuasca introduced him to Tobacco and other plant medicines. She was also a principle catalyst in the release of his first album, Heart to hEarth, during that period. In late 2019, he experienced three personal calamities simultaneously. This precipitated a “dark night of the soul” that lasted for two years. Jude now reflects on that period as the greatest training he has yet received. It brought him home, back to the awe inspired passion of the 16 year old, but no longer wondering or wandering for answers; instead… grateful and content, feeling honoured and blessed beyond measure to be in service to the phenomenal plant Teachers and those who gravitate to them, seeking their own liberation.